Relationship Development Intervention® (RDI®)
This comprehensive program restores the natural Guided Participation Relationship to families where it has been disrupted or has never formed.
The Guided Participation Relationship is a description of the parent-child relationship where the parent is the guide or leader and the child can be thought of as the apprentice in learning about how to relate to others.
This is for individuals or families who have a child with an Autism Spectrum Disorder, or other social challenges (including Reactive Attachment Disorder, ADHD, Tourette’s Syndrome, abuse and neglect).
RDI consultants work together with families or individuals in a personalised manner to identify and help reduce obstacles to relationship development.
RDI is a developmental approach that goes back and fills in gaps that may have occurred due to the autism- things like non-verbal communication and voice intonation.
Being a parent training based program, gains can be made in the home using everyday events and activities.
Donna Milne has travelled to Houston USA to become a certified RDI consultant. Donna has completed a Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)(Honours) and is currently studying a Doctor of Philosophy (Psychology) specialising in Autism Spectrum Disorder and Anxiety.