There are a variety of key characteristics in children with Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Autism or ASD
The Occupational Therapists and Speech Pathologists at Mildura Kids Clinic are experienced in the assessment and full range of evidence-based interventions for autism.
A diagnosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder is made by a team of specialists headed by a paediatrician.
Information is usually gathered from medical specialists, an Occupational Therapist, a Psychologist and a Speech Pathologist, together with the child’s family and teachers. This provides the most effective form of diagnosis.
Therapists at Mildura Kids Clinic have extensive experience in being part of a team approach to the diagnosis and treatment of autism.
Information about assessment of autism can be obtained from your GP or by contacting one of our clinic team members at or
Further information about Autism Spectrum Disorder can be obtained from: