If you have problems with reading and spelling we can help.
Dyslexia is a term used to describe a specific difficulty learning to read at the level expected for one’s age. Many people think of dyslexia as a problem with letter reversal, or writing letters back to front.
However, the key difficulty in dyslexia is a problem listening for sounds in words and using this to help work out (decode) new words. People with dyslexia tend to read by making a ‘best guess’ of a word based on its overall appearance rather than by recognising letter-sound patterns.
For this reason, they may replace words with ones of similar appearance such as reading “from” as “for” and so on.
A speech pathology assessment will provide insight into the child’s strengths and difficulties in establishing links between spoken and written language.
This will enable a treatment plan to be developed to assist the child with the task of reading independently. This is a good place to begin helping a child with reading and/or spelling problems.
A complete academic and cognitive assessment with our psychologist can also provide detailed information about a student’s learning strengths and weaknesses. This information is always helpful in understanding why aspects of schooling might be difficult for an individual.
To find out more phone us on (03) 5021 5569
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